National Conference on Diversity in Disaster

17-18 April 2018 – MCG, Melbourne

The National Conference on Diversity in Disaster brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners to examine how disasters affect people differently and how this impact can be reduced. Presentations will highlight women, men, people of diverse gender and sexual identities, Aboriginal groups, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, faith–based groups, people with disability, young people, the elderly, the homeless, migrant and refugees, rural communities and more!

Designed to enhance resilience and raise awareness of the needs and strengths of all in the community, the conference will engage emergency management practitioners and community services leaders with the latest research on disaster resilience. Emerald Community House manager Mary Farrow speaks on the community sector panel…

The Community Sector: A powerful force in building community resilience

Former Victorian Police and Emergency Services Leader Neil Comrie stated that ‘if appropriately engaged, [community service organisations] would be a powerful force in building community resilience’. By leveraging the resources, skills and knowledge of community organisations, and by building on the sector’s networks, strengths-based approaches and deep understanding of local communities, the emergency management sector can help to build even greater resilience to emergencies. Learn how collaborating with community organisations can build community resilience for everyday challenges and stressors, as well as for emergencies and disasters.

Chair: Beth Davidson

Sharon Torstonson
Executive Officer Social Equity and Wellbeing Network, Christchurch, Community organisations in the Christchurch earthquakes.

Mary Farrow
Emerald Community House’s Centre of Resilience, Building resilience in local communities.

Kris Newton
Mountains Community Resource Network, How can the community and emergency sectors better partner to promote resilience?

Emma King
CEO VCOSS, Community organisations: the missing link between disasters resilience and diversity.