About Us
Emerald Community House is one of a network of Community Houses in the Shire of Cardinia. Established in 1977, ECH was one of the first houses in Victoria to be part of the broader Neighbourhood House movement involved in community development. Emerald Community House is centrally situated on the Main Street of Emerald and is recognised as a vibrant and valued part of the community.
At ECH, people meet, exchange ideas and gain skills, knowledge and confidence. As a registered charity not-for-profit incorporated organisation, ECH is managed by an elected Committee of Management comprised of users of the House, local residents and sector professionals. The Management Team are responsible for the daily operations of the House including short courses, activities, workshops, social media, childcare and food programs. They manage occasional volunteers and assist those who drop in and need help. Tutors are employed on a sessional basis to run courses and workshops.
Emerald Community House receives some funding from the Department of Families Fairness and Housing (DFFH) and Cardinia Shire Council for program coordination. Funding assists with the management of the House and some maintenance of the Council buildings.
We are always seeking ways to strengthen the community and raise additional funds to cover expenses, upgrades, maintenance, equipment, IT, Foodbank fees and organisational membership fees.
Emerald Community House is committed to supporting the local community, whether it is managing our monthly market, supplying free food or investing locally in suppliers. We provide opportunities for people in our community to expand their skills and confidence as well as their horizons.