Trading with Ladies
ECH understands that childcare fees can be tough and we have kept ours below the state average for that reason. We are interested in supporting parents who want to get into or return to the workplace by providing as many childcare spaces as possible to support working families. That is why we have nearly doubled our licensed Out Of School Hours (OOSH) spaces to support more childcare. This also means that we have increased our staff to meet the regulated ratios.
ECH has a long and strong history of supporting the development and employment of women in particular for 40 years. One way we can increase our support working women is to trade volunteering for childcare fees. In support of women who may want to return to the workplace and want to get their confidence or skills up, we will provide free childcare to eligible women who are interested in volunteering at ECH in one of our many programs, services or administrative functions. There are limited spaces so please enquire after Jan 23, 2017 if you are interested in term one placements. Email to express interest.